Tampere Exhibition and Sports Center: Fully charged collaboration- new charging devices ensure effortless charging experience

The project, implemented by Igl-Technologies Oy, UTU Oy and Tampere Vera, began with the need for more download equipment for their visitors. Because visitors' visits to the Tampere Fair and Sports Center vary in length, charging solutions were intended to take into account the needs of different user groups by providing many-effective charging devices. Now the Tampere Fair Center has a fairly comprehensive charging field for electric car chargers: one 90 kW power charging station and 43 Uutumax 11 kW of basic charging stations.

IGL already had experience with the Troniq Modular powerhouse: Tampere University of Applied Sciences in Tamk's yard in Kauppi has been operating in the Kauppi since summer 2024, two 180 kW high -power charging stations, which are operated by an EParking system and integrated by the Payter Apollo payment system. Based on previous positive experiences, Troniq Modular was also identified as an excellent DC charging station for the use of the Tampere Fair and Sports Center. 

The choice of charging solutions was also emphasized in domestic quality, which is why, in addition to the power charging station, the 11 kW Uutumax charging equipment manufactured by UTU Oy was selected as part of the project. 

-Completely domestic Utumaxes provide a cost-effective and flexible solution as they utilize IGL's own wireless Etolppa technology. This allows the charging field to be easily expanded, says Anu Rantala,

The Tronic Modular offers enough to charge the electric car's battery even with a quick visit to the fair.

The quality tested in snow and sandstorms

One of the most important factors that influenced the selection at the Troniq Modular power charging station was the modularity of the device: its current 90 kW power can be raised to up to 240 kW if needed. The selection of the Troniq Modular is also supported by its modernity, high quality and widely tested features. The two -piece structure of the device allows two cars to be charged at the same time. 

The suitability for northern conditions was also an important selection criterion. The climate conditions of Central Europe are significantly different from Finnish conditions where temperature fluctuations can cause moisture condensation in the equipment. 

- The Troniq Modular has been tested in demanding environments, such as Norway, where charging stations have been installed for rechargers for another hundred pieces. Based on these experiences, the device has been further developed and is also ideal for Finland's demanding weather conditions, says Rantala. In addition, Triq Modular stations have even been delivered to the Middle East, where they have shown their durability in the midst of sandstorms.

User -friendliness, safety and ease of use are central to the strengths of Tronq Modular. The cable management of the device has been implemented with refrigerated mechanisms, and the location of the plugs on the sides of the device allows its usability flexibly in a variety of charging environments. 

- Safety is guaranteed by an accurate commissioning protocol, which was also carried out by Utu's maintenance team at Tampere. They are also responsible for the periodic maintenance of the device. The Tampere Charging Stations have a data gathering data logger that allows you to analyze the device data remotely from Evtroniq's factory. As a result, the device can also be used to provide proactive maintenance on the basis of the data obtained, says Rantala. 

Functional charging regardless of the length of a fair visit

When a visitor typically stays at a fair event for about 3-5 hours, he or she will be able to charge 11 kW with Uutumax charging devices about 250 km during his visit. For quite a few visitors, this is a sufficient charge for the home trip. When the visit time is shorter or more is needed, there is a quick recharging station in front of the Tampere Exhibition Center, Triq Modular. A sufficient number of mileage can easily be charged to the electric car battery during half an hour of charging. The device's card payment terminal allows you to pay for charging without separate authentication.

The Finnish Key Flag branded 11 kW Uutumax base charging devices serve great longer visitors to the fair in the weather than in the weather.

Whether it is power or basic charging, the EParking system is used to pay for charging and parking at the Tampere Fair and Sports Center at the same time during the fair. This makes the experience and visitor experience even easier.  

-The collaboration between Utu and Igl-Technologies has been going on for over three years. It has evolved into an open and confidential partnership where both parties support each other. Working doesn't even seem like work, with such a nice way! We have also worked well with Vera in Tampere for a long time. Vera's expertise will build high quality electrical and charging fractions, Rantala rejoices. 

For the reference, we interviewed Anu Rantala, Head of the UTU Oy Electric Cars Charging Unit.


As Oy Vantaa Varsta: Fluent Finnish electric cars charging to the housing company