Park and charge with one app
The cheapest option for parking
With eParking, you can conveniently pay for roadside parking, in parking garages and other public parking lots.
For short-term parking, we charge only a 0.39 euro operating fee on top of the set parking price, regardless of the duration or location. The hourly price for parking is decided by the entity that manages the parking area, such as the city or municipality. You can see the price of parking in the map view of the eParking application.
Contracted parking and the management of parking permits through eParking is also affordable and effortless.
Parking and charging – wherever you go
Passenger cars are parked up to 95% of the time. During the night or the working day, you can charge approximately 150 km of operating range with Mode 2 slow charging, which is sufficient for most daily journeys, as the average car in Finland is driven around 50 kilometers a day.
eParking offers the most extensive and comprehensive car charging system among Finnish housing associations, with devices predominantly in private use by residents. Additionally, electric vehicles can be charged at our public charging stations nationwide. Most charging devices operated by eParking are equipped with socket and Type 2 connectors, offering Mode 3 charging at 3.6-22 kW.
See where in Finland the eParking charging stations are on the map below!
Our charging network

Do you need help using eParking?
First, check if the information you are looking for can be found in our instructions .
If you do not find the answer to your question, contact our customer service. Our customer service is served on weekdays from 7am to 6pm in +358 34 108 9272 (day/mpm). You can also email us your question at info@eparking.fi. We will respond to emails within 1-3 business days.