COXA: Digital Parking Permits Support Organizations and Businesses
Coxa, an artificial joint hospital on the Tampere University of Applied Sciences Kauppi campus, has used traditional methods for managing staff parking. The campus area has separate parking areas managed by several actors, and Coxa's staff parking spaces have previously been located around the area. This has led to the need to contact several parties to handle parking arrangements. In addition, Coxa's HR management has maintained information about parking spaces in different areas and has managed communications with various actors, while the payroll has been responsible for the charge of the parking fees in connection with the payroll.
Johanna Kuusela, Coxa's Human Resources Manager, the old system was functional but time -consuming. The handling of parking permits and the management of many Excel spreadsheets and continuous communication with different actors were challenges, which were sought for a more effective alternative. Since Coxa already used EParking-compatible charging stations offered by the Tampere Power Plant, it was also decided to introduce the EParking system to manage staff parking.
EParking frees up working time and enhances processes
The implementation of the EParking system has significantly facilitated the administrative tasks of Coxa's staff parking. According to Kuusela, it is particularly commendable that with eParking, Coxan no longer has to connect with many different players. All parking issues are now centrally handled in one place, which saves time and effort. The electronic parking management system and digital parking permits have released the working time of staff and payroll employees, allowing them to focus on their core tasks. The management of parking permits has been considerably streamlined and the EParking system also enables short-term parking permits. In addition, Coxa's payroll will no longer have to take care of the parking fees, as the staff can handle them through their own eparking IDs.
Parking control is also convenient: with the scanning of the car's registration number, the parking attendant can check if the car has a valid parking permit. With EParking, human resources no longer need to be in contact with parking control as it is done digitally.
In Coxa, the implementation of the EParking system has been smooth. Kuusela describes the Eparking application as easy to use, and the staff has accepted the system well. Communication on the implementation of the new system has played a key role: the staff was informed of the introduction of eparking through Intranet, which effectively reached the entire staff. Coxa also uses the Etols that are controlled by the EParking application, which allow for charging and heating electric cars in cold weather. Electric car drivers have praised the ease of use of the ethols.
The EParking system is a flexible and versatile solution that is ideal for housing companies and organizations. It reduces parking administrative tasks and releases resources for more important functions. Digital parking permits are easy to control and does not require any significant investment from the organization. Users can take care of their parking fees themselves, so parking permits no longer have to deduct salaries or otherwise control fees.
For the reference, Johanna Kuusela, Coxa's Human Resources Manager, was interviewed via email.